
Showing posts from February, 2022

Change in Climate open doors to Derma & Medicated Cosmetics Franchise opportunity

  Climate Change and Skin Disease Demand for Derma & Cosmetics Increasing   Climate change may have the potential to cause outright skin disease epidemics worldwide. In the past 20 years, Lyme disease incidence has tripled in the United States. According to climate scientists, the Earth’s temperature has risen 4 ° C to 7 ° C over the past 5000 years, but it has risen 0.7 ° C in just the past 100 years alone.  Acute effects Sunburn Sunburn, or erythema, is an acute injury following excessive exposure to solar UVR. The redness of the skin that results is due to an increased blood content of the skin by dilatation of the superficial blood vessels in the dermis, mainly the subpapillary venules. High doses may result in edema, pain, blistering and, after a few days, peeling. Although it can be seen that UVA radiation is much less entheogenic than UVB radiation, in the summertime, UVA radiation contributes about 15-20% to the sunburn reaction. Tanning A socially desira...